
Imagine a time before illness, injury, inflammation, toxins, and a dysregulated immune system decreased your quality of life. Restore Holistic Center aims to Restore just that, your health and overall wellness.

Through Regenerative Therapies, Individualized Plans of Care, and Personalized Compounding, Restore Holistic Center works with you to create the best treatments for your health needs. Call us for a consult today.

The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not meant to encourage use of extracellular vesicles outside of a patient and provider relationship.

  • Exosomes are packets of information involved in cell to cell communication. Exosomes are like FedEx packages or an email that carry signals and information to other cells. Exosomes from Mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to calm inflammation, turn off dysregulated immune response, promote healing, and modulate illness. Exosomes are being studied for restorative properties, increased cognition, treatment of auto-immunity and regenerative medicine.

  • Neurological or Neurodevelopmental disorders. Exosomes have the potential to treat disorders such as autism, developmental delays, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and other conditions by regenerating nerve cells and promoting healing of these path ways.

    Autoimmune conditions: Exosomes have the potential to treat conditions such as autoimmune encephalitis (AE) PANS/PANDAS, multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and similar disorders due to the ability to reduce inflammation and turn off auto immune signaling at the cellular level.

    Chronic and acute inflammation and injuries: Exosomes contain anti-inflammatory factors that have the potential to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Stem cells secrete packages of information in the form of exosomes. Research is promising that by using these packages of information instead of the whole cell has benefits. Exosomes, since they are not whole cell product, has been found to be less expensive, easier to administer, are stable in the body, have the potential to cross barriers in the body, have less immunogenic response, less cellular rejection, and less of a tumor risk. Exosomes are also more cost effective, smaller, easier to administer and store, and easier to produce.

  • We find that those who do a comprehensive approach to care find the most success. We will likely recommend diet and/or supplements to help improve your quality of life and success with regenerative therapies.

  • Restore Holistic Center has partnered with a company to offer personalized compounded supplements. Instead of taking multiple supplements a day, these can be combined to simply take 1-2 capsules or teaspoons a day. This leads to lower cost, more compliance, decreased fatigue, ease of administration, and higher success rates with treatment plans.


  • My son is talking more, interacting more, showing better fine and gross motor skills, and overall happier since the exosome treatment. I have not seen any side effects and we have not seen any seizures since doing the exosomes. It was so easy to give and he tolerated it well. This is the first thing that I can say has really, really helped and I can not wait to do more.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism, apraxia, seizures, and digestive issues.

  • My son's behaviors, OCDs, and overall wellbeing is drastically different since the exosome treatment. We have struggled with sleep issues for years. To our surprise my son is sleeping soundly every night with no issues. I have been able to take him to parks, out in public, and restore some degree of normal to our lives. I highly recommend Restore Holistic Center. The procedure was fast, painless, and well tolerated.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autoimmune encephalitis, immune system dysregulation, seizures, apraxia, and autism.

  • There has been such a difference in my grandson since the Exosome treatment, our whole family has noticed it. I do believe Restore Holistic Center has helped my grandson to be calmer, more attentive, talk more, and overall be in better health.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism and apraxia.

  • He was in his world, now he is in ours. Exosomes have made such a difference in our son. He potty trained, is talking more, is calmer, eating better, and interacting with others more. Overall we believe exosomes, in a good way, have impacted everything.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism, apraxia, developmental delays, picky eater.

  • I got an exosomes treatment for my chronic back, hip, and knee pain and it has helped immensely. I no longer use a knee brace and do not have daily pain. I am so glad I decided to go this therapy. My quality of life has improved so much.

    Adult’s current diagnosis- arthritis, chronic pain

  • Since doing an exosome treatment on my son I have noticed more language, more attempts at language, more interactions with others, less tantrums, less behavior issues, and overall seems to be understanding and interacting more.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism, apraxia, chronic bowel issues

  • My daughter is talking more, has better motor control, is calmer, happier, and understanding more since doing the exosomes treatment.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism, apraxia

  • I was considering getting surgery on my neck due to chronic pain and severe degenerative changes. I decided to try exosomes and now I do not have to consider the surgery as I no longer have daily pain. I feel overall younger and more energetic as well. My daily pain has resolved.

    Adult’s current diagnosis- severe degenerative changes, arthritis

  • My son has more complex speech, better motor planning, more complex language, and seeking out interactions with others more since doing exosomes.

    Child’s current diagnosis- autism and apraxia

Contact us.

Please email for any questions, concerns , or for a consultation. Please note we may require more information from you to proceed.

This website is a collection of publicly-available information and is not intended to form a physician-patient relationship with any individual. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. The information presented on this website is not intended to replace or supersede your personal physician’s advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician to determine what is right for you. All information on this website is intended only for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. The information here is intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge; it should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider.