Exosomes are packets of information involved in cell to cell communication. Exosomes are like FedEx packages or an email that carry signals and information to other cells. Exosomes are derived from mesenchymal stem cells. These have the potential to calm inflammation, turn off dysregulated immune response, promote healing, and modulate illness. Exosomes are being studied for restorative properties, increased cognition, treatment of auto-immunity and  regenerative medicine. Exosomes differ from whole cell therapy in research in that they are more cost effective, smaller, easier to produce and administer, are able to cross barriers in the body, and less likely to cause negative immune response.

Because Exosomes are not FDA approved for treatment or prevention of any disease, they are not offered outside of the context of a fully informed patient-provider relationship. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not meant to encourage use of extracellular vesicles outside of a patient and provider relationship.


  • Mesenchymal stem cell exosomes come from placental mesenchymal stem cells. There are no ethical concerns since these were harvested after the delivery. Also the cells were harvested before the pandemic occurred so are free from concerns regarding this virus. These have been extensively tested for other viruses and diseases, are purified and sterile, and are smaller than bacteria so pose relatively no risk of bacterial infections.

  • Exosomes are being studied for multiple conditions. There are research studies showing that exosomes may help autism, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, acute and chronic illness and injury, tick borne illness, and more. The gains from exosomes are usually gradual and usually continues over weeks or months. Rarely, it may take up to six months to see significant improvement.

  • Administration is through intranasal or intravenous or both. By offering intranasal or intravenous, these technique have minimal side effects and have the potential to promote tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation. There is no sedation or monitoring. This is a quick procedure, (about 10 minutes) and is very well tolerated. Potential side effects include transient sleep disturbance, transient euphoria, transient nausea or diarrhea, and possible transient histamine or viral flare.

  • Since illness and disease do not occur overnight, healing may take time. Most of our pain, dysfunction, and disease emerges from a progression of accumulated cellular and tissue damage. With exosomes, we can utilize the natural healing of young stem cells in an attempt to promote regeneration. Most people find improvement with each treatment which compound with additional treatments. The amount of treatments you may need depends on the response and the desired outcomes.

  • Most alternative treatments including supplements are not FDA approved, including Vitamin C. Alternative treatments are also not always regulated but allowed with informed consent. Informed consent involves a patient-provider relationship where the patient is fully informed of the risks and unknowns and where no promise or guarantee of efficacy will be made.